Program Requirements
U’College Academy is a program that partners with Chaffey College to provide access to college credit courses during the school day at Upland High School. This program requires students to follow all rules and guidelines within the school handbook and required expectations for students concurrently enrolled in the Chaffey College Dual Enrollment Program.
To participate in the U’College Academy program, the following guidelines must be met:
Enrollment: Students are expected to maintain concurrent enrollment at both Upland High School and Chaffey College throughout their four years at Upland High. Each semester students will be enrolled in 1-3 college courses and they may take additional courses in the summer if approved by the UCA counselor. Students will also complete all A-G requirements for college eligibility. To continue in the U’College program, students must not be under Academic Probation with Chaffey College.
Students are expected to regularly attend school and follow all school attendance expectations. There are 180 school days in a school year and students may not be absent more than 5% of those school days (9 days). Students must meet any Chaffey participation requirements to stay enrolled in college credit courses.
Course Performance
- Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA
- Students must enroll in a minimum of 3 units each semester and earn a “C” or better in each class
- Students will receive weighted credit (5.0 scale) for college courses
- Chaffey College grades will be placed on UHS transcripts if student does not opt out within 7 days of being notified at the end of each semester
Parent/Guardian Support
- Parent/guardian of all incoming 9th grade students will attend the UCA Kickoff event
- Monitor student progress via Aeries
- Meet annually with counselor to review dual enrollment education plans
UCA Probation
School rules apply to all UCA students. Students will be placed on program probation if the following occurs during any time enrolled in the program:
- Excessive absences or tardies (e.g. nine or more days of school per semester)
- Discipline issues or loss of good standing with Student Services (e.g. multiple ALC, Saturday Schools, Suspension or expulsion)
- UHS GPA falls below 3.0
- D or F on any UHS or Chaffey College semester grades
- Student is put on Chaffey College Academic Probation or student drops, withdraws, or fails both Chaffey College courses in one semester
Students on probation may be enrolled in a support class for a semester. Students will have one semester to improve performance to remain in the program.