CSF Information
CSF Applications are now open. They are on Google Classroom. If you need the Google Classroom Code, please contact Mr. Alzamora.
The California Scholarship Federation (CSF) recognizes students for outstanding academics. The purpose of CSF is “to foster high standards of scholarship, service and citizenship on the part of students of the senior high schools of California.” Membership in CSF is recognized by colleges, universities, employers and at graduation.
Membership in CSF is not automatic. A student must apply by the announced deadline. To be eligible, a student must earn a total of 10 points for the semester in five classes. An “A” = 3 points, a “B” = 1 point, and an “A” or “B” in an honors or AP course will receive an extra point, up to a maximum of 2 points per semester. No points are given for grades below a “B” and a student may not have a “D” or “F” in any subject. Seven of these 10 points must be earned in academic subjects and the remaining 3 points may be from non-academic areas. NO POINTS ARE GIVEN for PE, student assistant or repeated courses. Please refer to lists I, II, and III posted in the guidance office. Each semester students must pay $5.00 dues to the UHS Community Webstore. PAY ATTENTION TO THE DEADLINES.
Transfer students need to see the guidance office.
Club Activities
CSF operates as a club, and social and service activities are held, but a student may also belong to CSF and not actively participate. However, any scholarships given by the local chapter will only go to those members who actively participate. Participation is documented through a point system. Students who are unable to attend meetings due to a 7th period class or sport may still actively participate in service activities and fundraising events.
Service Hours
Active members must complete 20 service hours by graduation (FIVE HOURS MUST BE COMPLETED DURING SENIOR YEAR) to walk at the front of the graduating class. The 20 hour service requirement to walk at the front of the graduation ceremony has been reduced to 15 hours for the Class of 2022 because the pandemic has forced us to scale back on volunteer opportunities. The Classes of 2023 & 2024 will be required to complete the full 20 hours in order to lead the graduation ceremony.
Seniors who have been members of CSF for at least FOUR semesters (Sophomore to Senior years), one of which is in their senior year, are considered to be LIFE MEMBERS. Life members graduate with honors. Life members wear a gold tassel, are recognized on awards night with a pin and certificate (as long as they belonged to CSF the 1 st semester of their senior year) and receive a gold seal on their diploma. Members who earn Life membership after their second semester will receive the pin and certificate upon graduating. Students who are members all six semesters of their Sophomore, Junior and Senior years are considered 100% Members receive all the benefits of a Life Member, but also wear a gold stole at graduation.
**To walk at the front of the graduating class, Life and 100% Members MUST COMPLETE 20 PRE-APPROVED SERVICE HOURS FOR CSF. This will be reduced to 15 service hours for the Class of 2022.
Freshmen are encouraged to become members even though their membership will not count towards becoming a Life or 100% Member. Not only do freshmen become familiar with the application process, they can also participate in all club activities, earn participation points, and begin service hours!