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Vision and Mission

Vision Statement

Upland High School will prepare all students to be life-long learners who are able to adapt to a changing world. Our graduates will be ready to transition to a career or college.

Mission Statement

Upland High School prepares and inspires all students academically and socially to be responsible and productive members of a changing global society.

Schoolwide Learner Outcomes

Upland High School Students will demonstrate…
(Why - our values)
Character:  Develop and exhibit the characteristics of respect, integrity, and responsibility. 
Citizenship: Contribute positively to the global community and respect the diversity of others.
Creativity:  Explore ideas, ask inquiry questions, and seek multiple solutions. 
Critical Thinking:   Experiment, reflect and apply prior knowledge to new learning (Rigor).
Collaboration:  Work independently as a team.  
Communication:  Speak and write effectively and listen actively.

Shared Mission, Values, Priorities, and Goals

Upland Strong

Behavior statement: At Upland High School, we have set high standards to conduct ourselves in a way that is respectful and helpful in building a positive climate essential for learning. Together we model, teach, and coach the following schoolwide expectations:  Respect Yourself and Others,  Take Responsibility for your Learning, Conduct Yourself with Integrity