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Student Family Handbook

Our Student Family Handbook is a comprehensive guide for students and their families, providing essential information about school policies, procedures, and expectations. It is designed to foster a safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environment by ensuring clarity and transparency between the school and you, the community we serve.

The handbook includes the following:

  1. School Mission and Vision: An overview of the school’s goals and values, emphasizing its commitment to student success and well-being.

  2. Academic Policies: Information on grading systems, attendance requirements, promotion standards, and academic integrity guidelines.

  3. Behavior Expectations and Discipline Policies: Clear explanations of acceptable student behavior, disciplinary procedures, and restorative practices.

  4. Safety and Health Protocols: Guidance on emergency procedures, health services, and policies regarding bullying, harassment, and discrimination.

  5. Parent/Guardian Rights and Responsibilities: Details about family involvement, communication channels, and legal rights under California law, such as access to student records.

  6. Extracurricular and Support Services: Information on available clubs, sports, counseling services, and special education resources.

  7. Compliance with California State Laws: Policies aligned with state regulations, such as Title IX, attendance laws, and nondiscrimination mandates.