Dress Code
The site administration is responsible for interpreting and enforcing the student dress and appearance policy. As fashions trends change, there may be a need to interpret policy on dress standards. When this occurs, parents may be notified by an administrator and/or administrative designee. Inappropriate clothing may be confiscated and released to parents. Parent support in encouraging students to dress appropriately is greatly appreciated. While on the UHS campus, at school-related activities and/or in photos on school related media including newsletters, website and/or school social media accounts, students will comply with the following dress code:
- Clothing must cover the shoulders, midriff, buttocks, cleavage and undergarments (bra/underwear). Examples of clothing that would be deemed inappropriate may include: tank tops w/ straps too thin to cover a bra, strapless tops, off-the-shoulder tops, low-cut shirts, bare-back, sheer or mesh clothing that does not have an appropriate blouse or shirt underneath, pants that sag and show underwear etc.
- Clothing must not be excessively tight, see-through or sheer.
- Undergarments and swimwear may not be worn as outerwear.
- Pajamas, sleeping garments, blankets and/or slippers may not be worn with the exception of designated spirit days.
- Students may not wear pants that sag or oversized pants.
- Clothing, shoes, jewelry, bags, accessories and hats that advertise, promote, depict or suggest alcohol, tobacco, drugs or any illegal substances, sexual activity, gangs, graffiti, violent acts or characters, inappropriate graphics, gestures or words, or are derogatory, disparaging or demeaning toward any individual or group of individuals may not be worn.
- Clothing, shoes, jewelry, bags, accessories and hats that are gang related, denote a hate group, present a safety hazard or disrupt the learning environment may not be worn. ● Hats must be removed in classroom or office settings.
- Skin art that depicts anything not allowed by the dress and appearance standards must be covered by an appropriate article of clothing.
- piked jewelry, brass knuckles, handcuffs, knives of any size or type or chains- including those attached to wallets, backpacks or purses.
- Hair styles may not disrupt the learning environment.
- Sunglasses may not be worn indoors without a physician's note on file in the health office.
- Shoes may not have steel-reinforced toes and must comply with all school and classroom safety regulations.
Dress code for most dances varies. Any change in acceptable attire will be advertised prior to the dance. A specific dress code applies to each dance and will be enforced. For the Homecoming dance, students are required to wear semi-formal attire, such as slacks, ties, dresses or skirts. The attire for Prom requires students to wear formal attire, such as a tie with a jacket or a dress. Strapless dresses are acceptable at these events. An administrator will be stationed at the entrance to the dance to check improper attire. Students who are dressed inappropriately will not be permitted to enter the dance, and parents will be notified. No refunds will be awarded.
All students are expected to comply with the school’s student dress and appearance policy. Failure to comply will be considered a form of defiance and may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension from school. The school dress code and consequences will be in effect the first day of school. The school reserves the right at any time to amend this list. Should this occur, parents and students will be notified.
Board Policy 5132- Students Dress and Grooming
Administrative Regulation 5132- Students Dress And Grooming
Any questions about student dress or appearance, please contact any member of the Student Services Department:
909-949-7887 ext. 35377