Tip Line
The UHS Tip Line is available to UHS students, staff, and community to confidentially send information pertaining to safety at UHS.
The UHS Tip Line is a Google Voice number that will send a confidential text to UHS administration and safety officers. It will be the quickest and most efficient manner of reporting a safety concern at UHS.
Text messages, picture text messages, and even voicemails can be sent to the Tip Line. Voicemails might not be listened to as quickly as a text so please try to text information. The system will allow administration to respond to a text for more information.
All Information shared on the text line is confidential.
"See something, say something" is part of the culture that we are trying to encourage at UHS.
We strongly feel that it is everyone's responsibility to play a part in keeping our campus safe. We hope that every student, staff, and community member agree that safety is paramount at our school and will take safety seriously enough to use the UHS Tip Line to help make UHS safer